Our Solidarity with the Black Community

We at King Philanthropies stand in solidarity with the Black community as we grieve the brutal killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and many other Black Americans.

The incomprehensible racial discrimination and violence that has for so long plagued our nation and caused immeasurable suffering in our Black communities must end. Working together, we seek a world in which every person is valued for their intrinsic dignity and presented with equal opportunities to flourish and succeed.

At King Philanthropies, we seize this opportunity to lean in, listen, and educate ourselves. Over the coming weeks and months, we will work as a team to identify ways that we can further contribute to a just, equitable, and inclusive society.

Over many decades, our founders have been champions of causes that support Black communities abroad as well as in the United States. Our desire to continue in solidarity with the Black community compels us to make an additional gift to Friends of the Children, a nationwide organization that Bob and Dottie King have supported for many years. Friends of the Children works to break the cycle of intergenerational poverty in the United States by providing at-risk youth with mentors. In addition, we will provide another grant to a local Bay Area organization that helps the Black community in our own neighborhood. This fight is not just today, nor for the next few months —it’s forever and forward.

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